Sunday, September 7, 2008

ga colonics, colon hydrotherapy cleanse, colon detoxification, atlanta, 30317, weight loss natural cure, liver detox, allergy relief alternative

3rd Sun of Atom, Alternative Health & Natural Wellness
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The 3rd chakra or solar plexus is the governing seat towards our wishes, wants & the desire for power that helps us manage our life here on earth. If you have a cloudy disposition then you are not feeling empowered to face your issues with humility in turn leading to hurtful decision making especially with diet. Colonics are relevant because they directly impact your circumstance, i.e, constipation, emotional dis-ease, asthma, seasonal allergies, etc. Personal Hygiene usually just includes a shave, brushing teeth or showering. However, soap will only mask the symptoms of the stink from inside of us. Worms, flukes and parasites living inside our tissue obtain their nourishment from the plague in our colon. Its just a matter of time before you can't hide the rotten odor festering inside the body that can't be expelled in a regular bowel movement. Its like not taking out the trash for 5 days and letting it sit in the corner of your body under 100 degrees of heat. 3rd Sun of Atom specializes in elimination & assimilation organ detox. We primarily focus on 3rd chakra issues to include maladies of the colon, liver, kidneys and pancreas. Other modalities include massage * reflexology * colon hydrotherapy * herbal suplementation & nutritional counseling.
Colonics VS Enemas
Colonics & enemas are 2 methods used for cleaning the colon or large intestine in the body. Both use the process of irrigation to remove waste.
Function * Colonics are often called high colonics because the water reaches all three sections of the large instestines which is ~5ft, including the descending, transverse and descending. * An enema only reaches the first 18 inches of the colon.
Identification * Colonics are usually administered through a licensed colon hydrotherapist at their place of business. Our LIBBE machine sends a constant supply of charcoal filtered ozonated water through the colon, which is dispelled into a basin.
Enemas can be performed at home with an enema bag. It normally takes about 15 enemas to equal the amount of water used in a colonic session.
Benefits * Water from an enema is primarily used for relieving constipation. However, some people use coffee or certain herbs during enema sessions, which is believed to remove toxins. Colonics are used to remove much deeper fecal impactions, reshape distended colons, expel parasites and hydrate the body.
Cost * Colonics are much more expensive than enemas. Colonics can cost up to $85 per session. * Contrarily, an enema bag is relatively inexpensive, about $5. There is no additional expense if one uses just water.
Considerations * People with more serious ailments such as bronchitis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and rheumatoid arthritis would probably benefit more from a colonic than a enema.

Service Area: East Lake Atlanta Decatur
Years of Service: 1
Service Type: Online Appointment Only
Market Focus: Allergy Relief, Constipation, Skin Rashes, Exzema, Odor

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